Driving test

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Driving test manoeuvres

Reverse bay parking Forward bay parking
Parallel / reverse parking Pulling up on the right
Emergency stop Driving test info

All of the UK driving test manoeuvres 2025

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the driving test manoeuvres! We understand that mastering manoeuvres can be challenging, but with practise and our helpful "how-to" videos, you'll stand a much better chance of passing this part of your driving test.

Our videos provide clear and easy-to-follow instructions on each manoeuvre, helping you to build your skills and confidence. At World Driving, we believe that practise is essential to mastering these manoeuvres, so be sure to practice with a qualified instructor.

During your driving test, you'll be required to perform one of three reversing manoeuvres: forward bay parking (and reversing out), pulling up on the right-hand side of the road (and reversing 2 car lengths), or reverse bay parking. Since you won't know which manoeuvre the examiner will choose, it's crucial to practice all of them until you feel confident. Additionally, you may be asked to carry out an emergency stop, so make sure you're prepared for that too.

To successfully perform these manoeuvres, focus on accuracy, control, and observations. Take your time, drive slowly, and always observe your surroundings. With our expert guidance and a bit of practice, you'll be well on your way to acing your driving test manoeuvres in no time!

Pull up on the right-hand side of the road, reverse 2 car lengths and then rejoin traffic.

Objective: Pull up on the right-hand side of the road so that you're reasonably close to the kerb. Reverse 2 car lengths and then rejoin traffic when it's safe.

See our step-by-step video and read our full guide on the pull up on the right-hand side of the road here. We will give you all the tips to make sure that you pass this part of your driving test easily.

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Reverse parking.

Objective: Reverse/parallel park behind another car within the space of two car lengths. Observing around for other road users and finishing reasonably close to the kerb and parallel with it.

Park like a pro with our handy step-by-step guide to reverse parking by pressing here. Watch our video on parallel parking and what to do if it all goes wrong!

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Driving test results sheet
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Emergency stop.

Objective: Stop the car quickly and in full control without skidding.

Read our full guide and see our video on how to perform an impressive and well controlled emergency stop here.

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Reverse bay parking.

Objective: Reverse into a bay, within the two lines and observing for other road users.

For a full guide on how to do bay parking then press here. We'll also show you a video on how to make sure that you get bay parking right on your driving test.

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Forward bay parking.

Objective: Drive forward into a bay at a local car park and then reverse out.

It might sound simple but can catch out some new drivers.

Read more in-depth about how to do forward bay parking here.

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Turn in the road.

This is no longer part of the driving test, but it's still recommended to practise.

Objective: Turn the car around using forward and reverse gears, without hitting the kerb and whilst looking out for other road users.

Have a look at our video and full guide to make sure that you're doing this right.

Read more in-depth about how to do a turn in the road here.

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Reverse around a corner.

This is no longer part of the driving test, but it's still recommended that you practise it to help with your reversing skills.

Objective: Reverse around a corner to the left, going three car lengths in to the road, keeping reasonably close to the kerb and observing for other road users.

Read our full guide and see our video on how to carry out a great reverse around a corner here.

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