The most common driving test mistakes.
Why do people fail their driving test? You hear of it all the time. There's a good chance that they failed because of one of the reasons on the list below.
Facts and figures:
The pass rate in Britain is 45.9 percent. Men have a statiscally higher chance of passing the driving test than females, but also more males took the driving test.
If you fancy taking a holiday and taking your driving test at the same time, then we recommend that you go to Yeovil in Somerset. It has a whopping pass rate of 64.29 percent! But the lowest pass rate award goes to Erith (London) which is at 30.5 percent.
So here it is, the 'Top 10 UK Driving Test Faults'. Please avoid them!
Video on the top 10 reasons for failing a driving test
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1. | Junctions (observation) Examples of faults: Not effectively observing for other road users or misjudging the speed and distance of other vehicles. |
2. | Mirrors - (change direction) Examples of faults: Failing to check mirrors before changing position on the road. Not reacting correctly to what you see in the mirrors. |
3. | Move off (safely) Examples of faults: Not checking the mirrors and blind spot before moving off, not observing all around after an emergency stop, moving off when it isn't safe. |
4. | Junctions (turning right) Examples of faults: Improper positioning before turning. Sopping in the correct position when turning right. |
5. | Response to traffic lights Examples of faults: Failing to respond correctly to traffic lights, not stopping when it was safe to stop when the traffic light is amber. Not moving when the green trtaffic light is showing although it's safe to go. |
6. | Not having proper control of the steering Examples of faults: Failing to respond correctly to traffic lights, not stopping when it was safe to stop when the traffic light is amber. Not moving when the green trtaffic light is showing although it's safe to go. |
7. | Response to signals (traffic signs) Examples of faults: Ignoring or misinterpreting traffic signs, such as failing to stop at a stop sign or ignoring a no-entry sign. |
8. | Not responding correctly to road markings Examples of faults: Not responding correctly to road markings, such as straddling or crossing solid lines, or stopping on 'keep clear' markings. Not act in accordance with lane direction arrows, for example, if the arrow painted on the road shows to turn left in this lane then turn left and don't go straight on. |
9. | Poor positioning on the road during normal driving Examples of faults: Poor road positioning, such as driving too close or too far from the kerb, or not maintaining the correct position on a roundabout. |
10. | Not driving at a safe and reasonable speed Examples of faults: Driving over the speed limit. Driving too fast down a busy high street or side road. |
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